
The story of Beltuna began in 1982. After many years of creating what can only be described as works of art for various local companies, two talented craftsmen from Castelfidardo in the province of Ancona in the Marche region of Italy decided to embark on an adventure that would allow them to cultivate their passion for excellence without having to compromise. Arnaldo Mengascini and Elio Baldoni, backed by years of experience and driven by the true spirit of enterprise, founded a company to make accordions, and named it ‘Beltuna’, from the words ‘bel’ (‘beautiful’ in Italian) and ‘tune’, especially chosen to symbolise the purpose of the challenge that lay ahead.

Beltuna accordions are crafted in the heart of Italy, near a sea that creates a mild climate and tranquil people, sheltered by rolling hills that nurture a love for music and craftsmanship. The Beltuna story began with endless days dedicated to perfecting tiny details, and long hours spent trying and testing different materials and production methods.

In only ten years of existence, Beltuna accordions gained an enviable reputation in Italy and abroad for top quality materials, superb sound and innovative technology. As the years passed, Beltuna consolidated its organisation and complemented an almost religious dedication to precision in design and assembly with an efficient and widespread sales network, capable of satisfying growing demand from customers from various countries around the world.

More than fourty years after they first appeared, Beltuna accordions now embody the love of two generations. The inestimable experience of Beltuna’s founder Arnaldo Mengascini and the never ending support of his wife Annamaria have been complemented by the loving hard work of their four children Stefania, Francesca, Francesco and Milena. Beltuna’s worldwide exports are the result of Italian creativity with strong roots in the family and in the values of craftsmanship.